Methodist University Academic Support Logo

Welcome to WCONLINE!

> If you don't have a WCONLINE account, you will need to register for one. To get started, read the Client Consultation Agreement and then click on the link to the left.

> If you do have an account and this is your first time logging in this semester, you will need to update your profile. To do this, log in, and then you will be taken to the profile edit page. Please update all necessary fields and save your profile form. You will then have access to the schedule.   

Remember to book your appointments in the correct schedule. If you need assistance with writing, such as essays, papers, or citations, please choose the Writing Center schedule. For assistance with subject-specific assignments, such as math or computer science, please choose the Tutoring Center schedule.

Trouble logging in?

If you have entered your login information incorrectly or forgotten your password, please be aware that after several incorrect attempts, you will be unable to access your account for 15 minutes. If you continue to receive error messages regarding your login information, reset your password to avoid this inconvenience. Please call 910-480-8451 if you continue having troubling logging in to WCONLINE or if you have any other questions.